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Physical Education

conductor standing in front of students playing instruments
Welcome to Kuehnle Physical Education!!!

Are you excited about the BEST part of your school day??? It's physical education class!!! We promote a healthy active lifestyle, good sportsmanship, and teamwork, all while having fun. We PROMISE to teach you lifelong skills that will give you a sense of PURPOSE.

Parents, please check the "P.E. Schedule" link for your child's P.E. days. Please be sure your child wears tennis shoes to school on those days. Sandals, boots, and Crocs are not safe for P.E. activities. Girls should wear shorts under dresses or skirts. 

P.E. Grades
P.E. grades reflect a student's participation in P.E. A child does not have to be an athlete to make a good grade in P.E. He or she simply needs to put forth his or her best effort. P.E. conduct grades are based on sportsmanship and attitude. P.E. is an opportunity for students to work together with their classmates in a positive environment and experience success!

Contact Us
E-mail is the best way to reach us since we check it each morning and afternoon. Kuehnle's office phone number is 832-484-6650. Press 0 to bypass the recorded greeting.

Mrs. Barthelemy

Mrs. Koonts

Mrs. Morris